
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The cards

Prepare yourself for a shock.


I did not design my own Christmas Cards this year.


Thanks to pure laziness and a tantalizing offer from Card Store (39 cents each for a folded 5x7 card?  Plus free shipping?  And you put my return address on there?  SOLD!), I ordered pre-designed cards. 

I know, right?

It didn't help that I fell in love with the first card I saw on their site.

 And I could add another picture on the inside of the card. 

It's all just too good to be true!

Also, when the cards were delivered, they came in a fancy little box full of confetti.  It was like opening a box of pure happiness.

Getting these babies ready to mail was a family event.  I used the old home printer to add the addresses (a service which Card Store offers for free, but I didn't want to spend the entire night typing 50 addresses on the internet... instead I spent two days doing it on Word).  Adi and Porter helped with the stuffing and sealing.  I sat back and took crummy pictures of them on my iPhone because I was too lazy to get my camera.

Ready to be sent off.

And no, we didn't get Christmas stamps.  Have you seen the line at the post office?  I just bought these one from the checkout at Walmart!

And... here they are (if you weren't oh-so-lucky enough to get one yourself).

They open!  They really open!

See that space between the message and our names?  That's a spot for writing personal messages.

 I did not write a single one.

Tis the season!


Unknown said...

Whew, I loved how you addressed them. I thought there was some special "service" you must have used to make them look so cool, but it sounds like you did it the old fashioned way, typing in each one. Thanks for the effort, I noticed it!

Every year I kick myself for not getting on the ball and getting Christmas card done. I so do love getting them from others. Awe, maybe next year.