
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Daddy's Boy

Porter is OP's biggest fan. That boy follows his daddy everywhere and likes to do whatever Daddy is doing. He even sits on Orrin's lap for long spaces of times while OP's engrossed in his game of Warcraft. Amazing, I know.

This is a little clip to show you all why Porter thinks his Daddy is the bomb-diggity:

And here's an extra-special clip of OP's swinging abilities (I had to put this video on since right after I turned the camera off Orrin said, "You better not put this on your blog."

Famous last words.

My New Love...

I have found a new obsession- felt & crochet play food for the girls. I love these felt items

and these crochet ones.

Aren't those the sweetest things that you have ever seen? I'm trying to make some of the felt food, but crocheting is far beyond my ability! I bought the crochet cupcakes and some felt cookies for the girlies for Christmas, but I'm looking for more, so if there is anyone out there who knows how to make these, let me know, 'cause I'm in the market...

Monday, September 29, 2008

A Garage Sale, A Dog-Whisperer and a Mis-Match

The Garage Sale. Adi decided to have a garage sale today. I had to convince her to only do a pretend one in our backyard, but she is still planning on having a real one someday soon.

Piper, the dog-whisperer:

And, last but never least, the mismatch:

This is what happens when Mom lets the two big sisters dress the baby.

And that was our day :)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Park Hopping

Beautiful day, isn't it? Warm, but overcast... couldn't ask for more from the weather, can you?

OP is working overtime today, so I had to find a way to entertain these crazy chillens of mine. What was my grand idea? Park hopping. We've gone to three different parks so far (it is now naptime/ quiet time, we'll see if we go to more after), and it has gone suprisingly well. I did sneak in a visit to the book store and the fabric store, yeah me!

Porter perfected the art of going down the slides by himself, Adi ran from equipment to equipment like a monkey on speed, and Pipes was my little butterfly, doing whatever she felt like.

When I snuck to the fabric store, South Jordan was having their Harvest Days Festival. The girlies got their faces painted, but Porter was ready for a nap, so he chose to just scream (helpful, huh?).

I even took the kiddies over to my old elementary school to play. I sat on the swings and pondered why they still had gravel in an elementary's playground (I also had memories of falling on said gravel when I was 6 and getting pebbles in my knee, which my grandpa kindly offered to get out with his pocket knife)...

*please forgive my lack of pedicure... I am a mother of three, afterall!

I let the girlies dress themselves today- frankly, I get tired of the arguing over outfits!

We had Taco Bell at the park for lunch and Porter got to experience dipping his food for the first time... he leads such a sheltered life!

And my favorite picture of the day....

I think that this one is wall-worthy!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Seperation Anxiety

The blessed day has finally come. Porter is now old enough for nursery.

On Sunday morning, while I was rushing to get the fam ready for 9 am church, I was imagining how nice Relief Society would be without having to try to contain my lil' monster. I could picture just how relaxing it was going to be.

Then we go to church and OP and I put him in the nursery room. He got a little anxious when he saw us walk out, so I stayed in there for five minutes and showed him all of the cool toys.

Then I snuck out.

And he didn't miss me.

I stayed and watched through the little window for ten whole minutes, but he just kept on playing as though this wasn't the heart-wrenching-first-moment-of-seperation that it was.

I continued to check on him throughtout Relief Society and Sunday School, but he didn't once cry.

And you know what? I was a little bored during those "peaceful" moments.

But don't you tell anyone that I said that!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Going on an Adventure, Merrill-Style

OK, so I'm not one for exploring. Everyone who knows me, knows that. I mean, I didn't even like the kids walking around in the tall grass (as pictured above)- that's where tics live, you know.

We went back to Daybreak today and instead of going to one of the parks, we had lunch at one of their "trail" areas. The kids liked the climbing and the running through tall, bug-infested growth and I had a ball snapping pictures. Unfortunately, my camera lens was dirty from a certain little somebody sticking his finger in the lens (Porter), so only a few shots turned out:

We've been trying to teach Porter to fold his arms while we pray. He usually bows his head, but, for some reason, he just hates folding his arms.

And here's my kids climbing the architecture!

And now we are home and it is naptime (WAHOO!).

And no one brought home any tics, in case you were wondering...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Out-Argued by a four-year-old

I was cleaning out my car (yes I actually clean out my car, but only when garbage falls out of it when the doors are opened) with Piper and Porter playing inside. Piper was messing around with the doors when I asked her to please stop.

"Why?" she asked, oh-so-innocently.

"Well, what would happen if I were to shut this door and you two got locked inside?"

"I would just unlock the door." She looks at me as though I am an annoying bug.

"Well, what if you got scared and couldn't remember how to unlock the doors?" I thought I had her (I know, not a very good argument, but I don't do well under pressure).

"Then Heavenly Father would help me."

Game. Set. Match.

She had me there.

P.S. That's Pipe's 4th birthday picture- they turned out pretty darn great. It really captures who Pips is: the curly hair that she demands, the impish grin, sparkling eyes, and the bruises up her arm. Gotta love it!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Mr. Cheese, If You Please

If you asked my girls where they would go if they could go anywhere in the world, their answer would be... Chuck E Cheese. I'm actually learning to like it too! Orrin is worse than the girls there, running around wasting all of the tokens on games that don't give you tickets. I usually focus on the games that have the highest ticket turn-out rate (the prize counter gets ugly if there are not enough tickets for Porter to get a sucker, Adi to get a FunDip and Piper to get something pink).
My personal favorite machine there is the Sketch Artist. I usually look pretty decent in the pics :)

The Mystery of Porter-Pot

I am finding many differences in raising girls versus raising a boy.

Girls are emotional. I can deal with that. Dancing is a favorite past time as well as sassing. Watching singing movies always calms them. They like sparkly things, pink things, and heavy, heavy make-up. I get it.

But boys... what can I say about boys? Porter likes to smash things, not because he is upset, but just to watch it crumble. He loves making people scream. He likes his boots that have a velcro strap and he likes buckles (they can entertain him for an hour). No TV, unless Daddy is watching the fishing channel or UFC. Seriously. Puppies rock and flies enthrall him. Plugging anything that fits into the light socket is always a good idea, as is climbing onto anything and everything that could possibly topple over and bang up his head.

He also enjoys biting Piper. Just Piper, no one else but her. And he doesn't do it because he's mad- I could understand it if that was the reason. He smiles and thinks that they are playing, meanwhile Piper is literally covered in bite marks (she is currently sporting 4 such scars).

And he still doesn't talk.

By this age, Adi and Piper could practically talk in full sentances (I have the footage to prove it). But Porter is happy with the following simple sounds: Ow, Oh, No (usually he just shakes his head, though), Lolo (animals), Da, Nana (when something doesn't go his way he calls for my mom), Nae Nae (Adi) and, my favorite, WHOA. He seems to have forgotten how to say Mom.

Here is a sample of my little creature in his natural habitat:

Strange, huh? He is just lucky that he has those adorable dimples or I probably would have pulled all of my hair out in frustration by now ;)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Born to be Wild

I just wasn't so sure about this whole thing, but the girls LOVED it and are now wanting a motorcycle of their own!

For all those Joe Bro, Taylor Swift Fans

My girls new favorite thing to do is have Mom get on youtube and find music videos to watch. It is my own fault.

Anyway, we came across this gem... Piper and Adi almost died. Two of their favorite people singing together- and Taylor Swift is a sparkly dress? It was almost too much for them to bare! Lindy, you gotta let Rylee watch this!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

How do you keep inquisitive children away from the lawnmower blades?

That's how!

A Peaceful Night

I don't know about all you other mommies out their, but bedtime is far from restful around here. It starts after dinner: the kids go upstairs, brush their teeth, then bathe (and the bathroom usually ends up under four inches of water). Then we read scriptures, Articles of Faith, prayers, read stories, sing songs, and then the girls usually want me to tell them a story that I made up on the spur-of-the-moment.

It's a lot for a person who knows that there is a mountain of laundry waiting in the other room to be folded.

After Porter gets put to bed, OP and I let the girls have "Quiet Time" where they get to quietly play in their room until eight o'clock when it is lights out time. Quiet time is usually not quiet. It is usually me warning the girls that if they yell or fight again it will be lights out immediately. Then they keep running into our room telling us some story or tattling.... exhausting!

Now you can understand how much I appreciated it when I went to check on the too-quiet girls and saw this:

It was lovely!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Pre-School and Activity Days

Yep, my baby girl started pre-school on Wednesday! I wasn't going to put her in it, but se feels so left out since Adi gets to go to school and have a bunch of adventures and she gets stuck at home with mom. Piper loves it!

She only goes once a week, though, and we rotate who teaches- so I teach the six 3 and 4 year olds every six weeks. That should be an adventure :) Any ideas for wat I should do for "F stands for Firefighter"? I could use the help.

On another note, I finally taught my first lesson at Activity Days. I taught about emergeny preparedness, so I had the girls act out different situations and had them figure out what to do in them. Then Adi and Piper faked injuries and the girls had to "fix" them. It actually went pretty smoothly, considering there were nine 8 year olds there and my girls.

Here's what I made for the girls to keep in their backpacks:

(plus some bandages, of course)

The best part, though, was when the 8 year olds started complaining how hard it is to memorize the Articles of Faith. So my girlies put them to shame by reciting the first eight. I was so proud!

I've been a busy mom lately, but I'm trying to post more!

Monday, September 08, 2008

Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday To You!

Happy Birthday dear Whitney, Happy Birthday to you!

Can't believe that you're the 2-4... it make s me feel old *wink, wink*!!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Ignore Me, My Son Does

Porter is a champion at ignoring people. Especially me.

Here is a little clip of Porter at his best:

Such a stinker.

Saturday, September 06, 2008


I am warning you now- if you don't sometimes find little girls crying funny, don't watch this. However, if you can find the comedy in such a situation, please feel free to watch the show:

Let me set you up before you watch: Adi was having a bad day. There was a lot of whining (mostly because I wouldn't let her play with her friends). I was too preoccupied in my own matters (putting off making an apron for a shower gift that was tonight) to take the time I should have to make her feel better. I was at my wit's end when Adi kept coming inside after I insisted they stay out while I made lunch. She was crying and complaining so I told her that she was more than welcome to stay upstairs until the food was done.

I could still hear her crying from her room. Finally, I stopped what I was doing and went up to be with her. This is what I heard:

Okay, so the sobbing pulls on the heartstrings, but it is so funny! She was singing "I Miss You" by Miley Cyrus while she looked at our family picture.

The girl is just a bit dramatic.

I did feel a little guilty though.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Girlies Got Some Brand New Shoes

For our "Family Fun Day" last week OP and I thought it would be fun to take the kiddos bowling. It was fun.. a lot of work and not relaxing at all, but still a lot of fun.

Adi is the reining champion of the family... she got four strikes and six spares! That was, however, spread over two games, but the girl has skills!

Piper wins the award for the slowest ball in the alley- the video here is actually on the faster ones, a whole 1.4 mph!

And what did our lil' monster baby do during this time? He ran Mom and Dad ragged, of course! He was obsessed with all of the bowling balls and couldn't understand why we wouldn't let him play with them. Poor little guy was so confused as to why he wasn't being allowed to join in the fun...

And yes, Porter still has a bottle- he is a water addict! He doesn't get milk or juice or anything else but water in it. I just don't have the heart (or the energy) to take it from him.