
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Totally Tagged

1. From your list of blogs, pick 1 blogger that you know or knew from AZ.

2. Tell a 2-sentence brief history of where you know them and how.

3. Describe them and their blog in 3 cool words.

4. Tag 4 bloggers you know or knew from AZ.

5. Click on the featured blog below then comment to invite them to come see yours.

My choice (drumroll please): I have quite a few peeps from AZ, but I'm gonna go with my lil' sis Whitney Lee.

Our history: Whitney and I have a long past of complicated relationships and overwhelming emotions. We are sisters after all!

Words to describe her blog: HER NEW HOUSE!

And I now tag: Whitney ('course), Marissa, Mommy and Lindy.

I'll be watching ladies.

Party Planning

In an earlier post I had pleaded with you all to help me think of some ideas for Adi's craft party. Thanks everyone for your ideas... I tried a few out on Adi, but apparently this is Adi's birthday and she already knows what her and her lil' friends are going to do. Not only has Adi set her mind on some pretty crazy things, but she has Piper backing her up.

Adi: Mom, I want to make some clay statues and paint them and bake them and then everyone can bring them home.

Me: Why that is a fun idea, why don't I just buy some colored clay and you and your friends can build things with it? Then they can keep whatever they make...

Piper: Mom, remember this is Adi's party (she is mimicking Orrin here. Did I mention that OP is on their side too?).

Adi: Yeah. And then you can buy some wood and Dad can cut us out whatever we want, like a unicorn or bee, and the we can pain them and then put some glitter and ribbon on it and....

Piper: And then we can get some fairy dust (we've been watching Peter Pan)...

I will spare you the rest of the details.

I'm proud that I am raising younguns with such a strong (stubborn) personality. Adi and Piper both know what they want and it is a difficult thing to persuade them away from it. This will definitely come in handy when they are older, but for right now....

Well, let's just say that my tongue has some huge bite marks in it and I'm still in negotiations with the two Party Planners, trying to get some realistic activities for this looming party...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Why Do I Bother?

What do you think of when someone says "Sacrament"? Probably something like hymns, reverence, talks... etc. What do I think of? Potty breaks, a lot of shushing, bag searches, and hiding one's head when two little girls yell out "Don't eat Pete!".... seriously, that was my life yesterday.

Porter was actually very well behaved, he pretty much just hung out with Dad and played with his gum. His sisters, on the other hand, had me growling by the time we left. Where did these out-of-control hooligans come from anyway? They used to be very well trained-errr, I mean behaved- in church, but lately their actions have spiraled out of control to the point where I am threatening "no lunch and straight to bed" unless they just sit still and color.

I like to blame it on our new time change (11 o'clock, which is lunch time and naptime), or on the fact that we have sacrament last (definately inconvienant). But, at the end of the day, it all comes back to me. I have to ask, what am I doing wrong? Perhaps I am turning a time of worship and reverance into a time of mommy trying to furitively entertain and keep quiet at the same time? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's it...

Oh, well, at least it wasn't my one of my kids who screamed out "SHUT UP!!!" during the prayer (his poor, poor parents)...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Did you know that I am the mom of conjoined twins?

Well, don't be too surprised, because neither did I.

I was watching a documentary on Discovery Channel about a set of conjoined twins from Mesa who share a heart (check out their blog here) the other day and I'm pretty sure that it inspired this little game of the girls.

Adi was asking all sorts of questions while it was on, to the point that I finally asked her to please just watch and perhaps the TV would be able to answer her (it had been a long day, ok? Don't judge until you have sat through one of Adi's inquisitions).

Five minutes later, Adi and Pipes came hopping out like this.

And then they fell.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

And Here She Is...

the newest member of our family that can tie her shoes! Go Adi! Now, to be honest, she should have learned how to do so before she started kindergarten, but our lil' Ads has a tendency of quiting when something actually takes effort. Something like learning to tie a bow.

I tried to teach her, but my mounting frustration led me to just walk away from the lesson (how many times can you say "Adi, stop throwing yourself to the ground and writhing"? Or "Adison, it helps if you actually look at the laces instead of at the wall". Please don't think that I am teasing here).

Luckily, OP has a bunch more patience than I do (and Adi has a tendency of actually listening to him) or else this girl might never have learned.

You should watch Adi and I do her homework together. It is most definitely a sight to behold.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Do YOU believe in Miracles?

Yesterday I sent the girlies outside to play- even though it was only 45 degrees (but they were driving me and each other crazy). They were having a ball pretending to plant a garden using popcorn kernels (gotta love the imaginations of kiddies).

I was in the laundry room when Piper came running in.

"Mom, have you seen any miracles?"

Caught a bit off guard, I scrambled to find an answer that would also teach her a bit about faith. This is what I came up with:

"Ummm, yeah.... ummm, when you all three were born." Quick-witted, I know.

Piper looks at me as though I am crazy. "No! Have you seen any MIRACLES?" She says the last word slowly to make me understand what she is asking.

"Well, yes. Ummm, when Daddy gives us blessings..."

She then interrupts me. "No! Mir-A-Cles!"

This time I just stare at her.

"You know, miracle seeds?"

I honestly was flummoxed. She was looking at me as though I was drooling and humming. Then she explained:

"The miracle seeds that Nana saved from the garden?"

Oh, the marigold seeds. Wow. That was confusing.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Winter's Walk

We are all pushing the limits of sanity these days. Why, you may ask? Because we are all trapped inside. We have always been a family a that enjoys plying outdoors, going on walks, trips to the park and the like. But right now, with weather that feels as though it is stuck in limbo (not cold enough to snow or to keep all of the snow on the ground but not warm enough to melt all of the snow or to play in), we are literally suffering from a horrible case of cabin fever.'

Yesterday, the girls wanted to play at their friends (in fact they were clawing at me to agree to letting them go), so I seized the opportunity to get a little fresh air and sunshine. Porter and I walked (without the stroller- the boy needed to run free) the girls to Ashley's house and then walked back home. Now, little Ashley probably lives only two minutes away, yet it took us twenty minutes to make the round trip. For once, I tried not to be so focused on getting there, getting it done and then getting back home.

We enjoyed the time we had outdoors. P.G. stopped to admire the crystallized snow while I breathed in deep gulps of crisp air. He loved the sound of crackling ice, overhead airplanes and neighborhood dogs barking. He tried walking on the hardened snow several times and learned that when it is in the current icy conditions, one doesn't sink into it, but slips instead.

I was completely enjoying watching this and getting some clean, unfiltered air. That is, until I looked up and experienced what the locals 'round here call "inversion". Let me show you:

Can you see the nasty smog covering the mountains? When I turned around, the Oquirrh mountains were completely hazed-over, making it impossible to even see them. UGH!!! I has heard on the news that morning that it was a "red day" for inversion and now I could see what they meant. Houses that were only a few yards away from me were hazy... gross! And apparantly it isn't good for kiddos to be out (or people with asthma or respritory problems).

And that ruined my enjoyment of the great outdoors.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I have put a very special song on this blog

in honor of our new Mr. President


My camera disappeared for a while the other day,

And here's what I found when I uploaded the pictures:

*Not sure how they took the red picture, but I'm pretty sure that it however it happened, it wasn't good for the camera!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Because I am Seriously Addicted to Online Shopping....

I have decided to share my secret ways with my amigas. I usually make a few (hundred) calls to friends with kiddos when I find something really good while I am monitor-shopping, so I thought posting it once on a blog would just be easier! Check it out, but I just started it so there are only two good finds at my little SuperShopper site.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

11 Down, 2 To Go...

#11 has proved to be quite difficult since it is the only Article of Faith that doesn't start with "We believe". But these girlies persevered and came off conquerors.

Oh, and Pipes isn't picking her nose as it may look, she is actually biting her nails (a slightly better habit, I suppose)!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Photoshoot with my Baby's Babies

Because I have been threatening a Valentines picture-taking day for the last week, Adi has had photo shoots on her brain. Yesterday, she asked me if I would "mind taking pictures of my babies and me?" Sometimes this little girl sounds like she is 50 instead of 5. So she got the girls all primped and put a whole bunch of glitter on her face (which my camera failed to capture) and set up her own mini studio (an ottoman). She posed away and I snapped away.

I *heart* that little girl!

And if you're wondering about the orange-lookling doll (or some of you may recognize her), it is a vintage Velvet doll, the same kind that was my mom's favorite growing up. For Christmas, she found each of the granddaughter's one on eBay, fixed them up and made them a few outfits. Look at that woman go!

Here is Velvet in all her glory (one that my daughter's haven't had the opportunity to destroy, errr, play with).

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Let me tell you about my morning...

My day started with Porter sticking a piece of Cap'n Crunch cereal up his nose.


He was completely unconcerned about the whole thing, while I was panicking and Orrin was laughing. OP performed a mini-operation (well, he used the tweezers to to pull it out), and Porter has been pretty proud of his nose since.

How has your morning been?

Thursday, January 08, 2009

I need some help, PLEASE!

Ok, fellow bloggers and mommies- I need some help! Adi's birthday is coming quick, and I told her that she could decide what kind of party she can have (stupid, stupid, stupid!!). After changing her mind 125 times, she has decided hat she wants a craft party...


What am I supposed to do with that? I've googled "craft party" a couple of times now and can't seem to find anything that fits what she wants. So here is where you all come in: give me some ideas! Budget-friendly ideas for both girls and boys to do that is. If it was going to be an all-girl party, I could have them make necklaces, etc., but with boys? I am so out of my league here!

So far I think the kiddies will make their own pizzas for lunch then decorate their own mini-cakes for dessert. That. Is. It.

Help me. Please?!

A Glimpse Into The Future...

Yesterday Adi and I set off on an adventure to find her a pair of birthday shoes to match her birthday dress. Because I am strangely masochistic, I wanted her to choose her own pair.

Oh boy.

First, we went to Payless. Nothing.

Then to Target. She found three different pairs of shoes that she thought she liked, but she wasn't sure, so she said, "Let's keep looking."

So next to Famous Footwear, Ross, Justice for Girls... OH MY GOSH!! I was struggling to be nice and just let the girl make her own decision.

Back to Target, where she then tried on all three of said shoes. "Hmmm..."she says.

{Breathe Courtney, Breathe!}

"I really like these ones, but they are open-toed, and you said I couldn't get any." I told her before we left the house that she couldn't get any open-toe shoes because they just aren't practical in February in Utah.

But, by this time I probably would have spent $200 on a pair of shoes just to get home, so I told her that as long as she promised not to try and wear them oustide until summer, she could have them.

We head for the forever-long check out lines.



"What earrings should I get to match this outfit?"


Wednesday, January 07, 2009

What happens when mommy is too cheap to pay for a haircut...

My sweet lil' curly-topped boy went from looking like this (those curls were a little out of control here):

To this:

I had a mini panic attack after I did this butch job. Orrin loves it- he said, "He's my little boy now!"

And I said, "He's not my baby anymore!"

On a side note, Porter finally banged his head hard enough to cause some bleeding. I flipped out (I just don't do well with blood), but luckily, OP was home to take care of it. A shower and a little bit of superglue later and he was just fine!

I, however, was still crying....

Monday, January 05, 2009

I Rock! Guitar Hero Said So...

I sneaked a video of my family rockin' out on Guitar Hero, World Tour last night. Orrin was playing bass, Piper lead vocals, Adi was swinging around a guitar (playing, I guess?), and Porter was the background dancer *ha, ha*- he makes a mommy proud :)

Adi gets a bit snippy at the end... her attitude keeps getting bigger and bigger (and my temper shorter and shorter).

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Props to My Mommy

My mom and I are in love with Material Girls- the cutest lil' fabric store that would make any seamstress drool. Every time we go in there we always ask each other, "What can I make with this fabric?"

Well, as a result of this question, my mom decided to make skirts for her three granddaughters for Christmas. It was not easy, let me tell you, and I was only a spectator as she slaved away on these adorable skirts, but I think that it was definitely worth it:
Thanks Mommy- maybe one day I'll be as patient as you are and be able to sew something like this.... or maybe I'll just have you do it :)

Oh, and she did this cute lil' shirt for Porter-Pot:

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Camera Shy?

Recently, Porter seems to go into hiding whenever I bring out the camera. Watch:

And here is the picture I was able to snap before he started pulling out plastic baggies from the drawer across the counter:

And yes, Porter is in dire need of a haircut. I've been putting it off since October, but I just LOVE his curls...

Friday, January 02, 2009

Who's the Strange People Already Shopping For Spring?

That would be me. But hey, I've got the kid's Easter clothes already- or at least the majority of them.

Now I have to figure out which girl gets which dress. Any suggestions?

Porter's clothes were on clearance on OldNavy.com for &5 & &4- awesome!

I loved the girls' dresses last year, so I went with the same brand this year- and for only $20 a piece, a pretty awesome deal for Rare Edition dresses, if I do say so myself. Thanks eBay!

Now I need to get lil' white sweaters and shoes for the girlies and shoes and some kind of vest for Porter-Pot. Let me know if you if you see anything for a good price...

So, yes, I may still have three or four months till Easter, but with three kids to buy for and the current economic-crunch, I am all about shopping ahead for good deals.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Goodbye '08!

Things Got A Little Crazy 'Round Here!

Happy New Year's everyone! Hard to believe that it's 2009, huh?

We told the girls that on New Year's Eve you are supposed to stay up until midnight playing games, eating food and having tons of fun so that you can welcome the New Year.

Porter made it until 7:30 (which is staying up for him), but he had a wonderful time eating the popcorn-bin that Grandma gave the kiddos.

After the lil' monster went to bed, we had a family game of Wii bowling, and I'm proud to say that Piper put us all to shame! She's got some mad digital-bowling skills!

Then, according to Buckway-family tradition, we banged pots outside at midnight (ok, ok, it was only nine o'clock, but did you really think I'd let the girls stay up until 12?), and lit up some sparklers, too.

And Daddy gave the girlies their first kiss of the New Year...

We had the girls make "New Year Wishes" instead of resolutions... Adi wished that she could play with her family more... awwww!

OP tucked the kids in with stories of the firework shows his Papa used to do on N.Y.E.

This pic is really funny if you know Orrin and his hugely-exaggerated hand gestures he uses while telling stories....