Ever think that all you do is repeat yourself all day long? Piper seems to have this hearing problem.. no, actually, she just does what she wants no matter what the consequence may be. "Bring it on" seems to be her mantra, and boy, does it test me!
Yesterday at naptime, I told the girls that we were going to go to the park when they woke up, but only if they went straight to sleep- "no shenanigans" as my husband tells them. Well, about two seconds after I leave, I can hear them playing. They didn't get to go the park. Adi decided at that point that it was a wise decision to listen to Mom and thus went to sleep. Pipes, however, does whatever she wants.
Repeatedly I went in there, and repeatedly she got out of bed. About an hour later, Adi woke up but Piper hadn't even slept yet! At least, she knows to not even try to come out. Suddenly I could smell something very perfumey drifting out from their room...
Yep, she go into the lotion and apparently thought that bathing in it would be a good idea. Thanks mom for sharing Honeysuckle Lotion (I hate the smell, by the way)! I could smell the stinky stuff for the rest of the day.
When I asked her why she thought she could do this, guess what her reply was... "'Cause I wanted to smell pretty."
"Sweetheart (I was trying my hardest to keep my cool), you only need a tiny bit to make you smell pretty."
"But I wanted to smell really pretty."
This is her second mishap with this particular lotion, so I told her that I was going to have to throw it away. "That's ok," was her disinterested reply.
Turns out it was Adi's lotion.
The lesson for the day: Mom needs a video camera, 'cause my kids do some darn funny stuff!
You really do need a video camera! I thought it smelt pretty good!
oh, goodness, what a mess. Way to keep your cool!
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