
Saturday, June 21, 2008


My new favorite show to watch at night after I put the kiddies to bed is Glen Beck. I think it is a little torturous for OP since I get so fired-up about the stuff he talks about! Anywho, if you have ever seen him, heard of him, or even if you haven't, this will move you (at least it did me)!

Here is one of my favorite things that Glen Beck has said:

"To be a conservative is, in my definition, is somebody that believes in the power of the individual, somebody that believes, please let me make my decisions, that I have a right to succeed and not be penalized for it. I have a right to fail and have no one run to me if I don't want them to run to me. A conservative believes I have a right to manage my family, I have a right to discipline my family in the way I see fit, as long as it is not criminal. A conservative believes I have the right to worship God, I have a right to worship the God of my understanding, and I do not have the right to jam my version of God down anybody else's throat or my version of no God down anybody's throat. A conservative believes live and let live. That's what a conservative believes. A conservative believes in the smallest amount of government, the smallest government you can get without anarchy. That's what a conservative believes."

I'm not trying to shove my political point of view down anyone's throat, but this is what I believe (in case you were wondering)!


The Stradlings said...

Hey, I just wanted to say that my parents are major Glen Beck fans and watch the show every night! I thought it was so funny that this was on your blog because I came home about a month ago, and Bryan was all fired up because he had just watched this same clip. He was so impressed that it was all he talked about the rest of the night!