
Sunday, March 01, 2009

And This Is Why I Don't Have Any Family Pics...

Porter screams for Daddy and the girlies just plain won't look at me. Ahhhh!

We went to the Gale Center yesterday (it's kind of a mini museum with hands on stuff for the kiddos to do... oh, and it's free. Wahoo!), and I was bound and determined to get a group pic. Didn't even come close to happening! The kiddos weren't cooperating at all, OP wasn't any help since he wanted to look at the displays and I couldn't get my camera to work in the dark lighting.

It finally came to a point where I could see that I was ruining the whole experience with my insistence, so I gave up and focused on picking up all of the rocks Porter was dropping in the mining area (the elderly volunteers get a little upset when the kiddies mess anything up so I was in panic-mode cleaning up after them).

The kids and OP had a great time and I left with a headache. Oh, well, maybe one day I'll learn to just enjoy the moment :)


Whitopher said...

Don't you wish you had your own little personal photographer (like your sis) to take all your pictures for you?

melissa merrill said...

It's so hard when all you want is one stinking picture and nobody wants to cooperate. We took family pictures a week ago at Tempe Town Lake and the kids were great it was Ryan that was a POOP! Oh well whata ya gonna do?

melissa merrill said...

Don't you hate it when you just want one stinking picture and nobody will cooperate! We took family pictures last week at Tempe Town Lake and the kids did great...it was Ryan that was the POOP! Oh well whata ya gonna do?

The Dewey's said...

Wow! That face that Adi is making is such a Merrill face!