
Friday, May 29, 2009


Adi had one of her many boy friends (let me clarify: not boyfriend, but a boy that is her friend. Adi reminds of this everyday) over to play yesterday and I was lucky enough to catch a mini- part of their conversation:

Adi: Did you get the letter from Natalia?

Logan: Yeah. It was stupid.

Adi: But she said she loves you!

Logan. Yeah, but I love you- not her.

Oh, goodness. I had to bite my cheek to stop from laughing. Later, OP went to check on them and Logan rushed to cover up what he was drawing. When Orrin asked what it was, Adi said, "Oh, he's just making me love notes."

Orrin came upstairs and told me that it was time for Logan to go home.


Whitopher said...

That is so hilarious! Chris and I had a good chuckle at that story!