
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Candy Apples

Fall is slowly setting in here in Utah, which means changing leaves, cooler weather and lots and lots of fruit.

Like shiny, mouth-watering apples.

And where ever they sell apples, there are always caramels close by.

So for F.H.E. treats last night, we decided to venture into the making some caramel apples.

We used caramels, melted chocolate, pecans, toffee bits and sprinkles.

Doesn't it just sound like a toothache?

The kiddos were counting down the minutes until they could bite into them...

Yup, even Porter ate one... well, he ate the toppings off while being extremely careful not to to actually bite the apple.

Adi had a bit of a hard time since she has a loose tooth right in the bottom front. But she managed.

Piper, being ever the odd-one, soon threw hers out and settled on a plain old apple.

Doesn't Porter wear his goodies well?

I also captured a few compromising pictures of Orrin eating his apple, but he threatened to hide my camera from me if I posted them.

So I won't... yet.


Grandma Peg said...

Love the pictures of the kids and their apples!! I'm with Piper..... to messy so I found a way to eat carmel apples an eaiser way. Slice the apples in wedges, cover with carmel, chocolate, sprinkles what ever you want and then eat the wedges!!! TA-DA no mess on my face and apple eating complete!!!
Tell your mom I'm in Utah and I will call her next week for a lunch date!!

Whitopher said...

Mmmm... Those look good!

Eli and Ness said...


Whitopher said...

REALLY, no new posts?!