
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Halloween Party

So, first, let me show you the kiddo's costumes (before I get into my complete stupidity for agreeing to have a Halloween/Going Away Party for the girls).

What do you say when your daughters see these Monster High Dolls and say, "Mom, can I be her for Halloween?"

Umm... *gulp*

So, there were no patterns for these (duh) so I rigged these babies up. Please do not judge too harshly.

And here's Adi's look-a-like:

And Mr. Porter Pot wanted to be "A star wars". I finally convinced him to call himself Luke Skywalker. This was another costume that required my imagination since there are, surprisingly, no patterns for Jedi Knights.

Why is his hair black? Because he saw the girls getting their hair sprayed and wanted a turn too.

He also wouldn't let me take any pics of him, so this was the best I got.

Now, onto the party.


So, originally, the party was supposed to be small. But when the girls had other "special" friends they wanted to invite, I didn't have the heart to say no, seeing as how we are planning on uprooting them soon.

Then the day of the party came, and I kept getting phone calls from various mothers asking if their daughters were really invited to the party since they didn't get an invite.

"Of course!" I said cheerfully as I glared at my daughters.

So we ended up with 17 children there.

Yup, 17. That, of course, includes my three younguns.

So I had to stretch the party into the kitchen table (and the kitchen bar), and there still weren't enough seats for everyone.

Luckily, I got a few of my old Activity Girls over to help me, and, let me tell you, they saved my life.

And they also seemed to enjoy doing it to. (Here's one of my awesome helpers playing tape-the-eye-on-the-hastily-drawn-ghost)

I discovered that 16 little girls (and one 3 year old boy) can eat 8 Totinos Pizzas. And a bag of carrot sticks with ranch. Yikes!

Then the kiddos played "Mummy Wrap". I'm not sure what the point was except to wrap someone up in cheap Walmart TP that kept breaking.

These little red-haired beauties are stinking awesome. They are older girls, but they are so good with Porter. They made sure to include him in everything.

Then there was the pinata. Luckily another of my girly helpers wanted to hold up the pole with it attached (I was a bit afraid of getting whacked in my baby-belly).

We spent the last 1/2 hour of the party watching How To Train Your Dragon.

Well, not me, but the girls did. I got to clean up while they ate popcorn and candy.

Most of them, anyway. A few drifted off to the playroom.

And then, after all of the guests cleared out, I sat down and cried.

And then vowed to never have that many girls over at once again.

You know, until the next birthday...


Unknown said...

What a great party!! I am constantly amazed. And you are moving back to the AZ!! Will the eastern side of AZ be your new home? I hear its nice over there.

Grandma Peg said...

Great costumes!! Amazing, you are simply amazing!! The party looks fun too......wish I could come to one of your parties!
Now, about you moving..............how could you do this to your mama when you are about to give her another grandbaby and take them all away from her. :( Is she ok?

Eli and Ness said...

Holy crap! You could have called me to come help you Courtney! My gosh! Looks fun though!

Whitopher said...

Wow Court, costumes look adorable! Sorry I wasn't there to help ;0)