
Thursday, November 04, 2010

The Treats

We've had a bit of unusually warm weather for Utah this fall (after it snowed, of course).

And then Saturday (which is when we chose to Trick-or-Treat) came, and it rained. You know the freezing kind of rain?

But that didn't slow the kiddos down one bit, and for the first time I was a little bit glad that I'm on my special bedrest and couldn't take the kiddos out.

Here's little Luke Skywalker:

And the two Monster High chicks:

Here they all are, all bundled up in their coats (that Piper threw a mini-fit over having to wear). Of course, they don't yet have on their hoodies and gloves.

Look! I actually got in a picture... by choice!

Aunt Whit and Nana took Porter out this year (thank you again), which I forgot to get a picture of. *Sigh*

The girlies chose to head out with these ladies and their momma. We really are going to miss these ladies when we move!

We discovered that this current neighborhood is the way-coolest to trick or treat in. Not only did some of the houses give out "parent treats", but the kids got a ton of of the good mini-candy bars. Not to mention the five or six full-size candy bars they each got.

In this picture, I believe Porter had already eaten through about half of his stash. He was on a good sugar rush, running around and yelling and all that fun stuff.

Look at these candy piles! Amazing! Unfortunately for Whit and I, there weren't any of the cheap candy that we prefer to raid. You know: the smarties, the nerds, the laffy taffy, tootsie pops.

I think this candy will last us until Christmas...

What do you think?