
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Valentines Day

A few days before V-day we did our annual mailbox decorating.

I still have some of the glitter glue stuff stuck on my table.  It will not come off.

Then for FHE on the night before the Love Day, we made cards for everyone in the family.

Yeah- that's the only pic I got of it. I was waaay too busy creating my mini-masterpieces to worry about taking pictures :)

The next morning, we woke up to cinnamon rolls that magically baked themselves (I wish.  I made them the night before),

strawberry milk,

and mailboxes full of love notes.

We just got the kiddos some little candies and a small gift.

Porter Pot got a little car, the girlies got some Soft Lips chapstick,

Wyatt got a Sing-A-Ma-Jig.

He loves it, but it freaks me out.

We then dug into the cinnamon rolls.

Finger-lickin' good.

*Can you tell that Porter-Pot was sick?  Poor little man.*

I had grand plans for dinner that night.  Salmon, shrimp, cheesy taters, rolls, and a chocolate cake named "Chocolate Wasted Cake".

Turns out, I started feeling a little under the weather after dropping the girls off at school.  I pushed through it and made this masterpiece:

By the time I had to pick up the girlies, I was officially SICK.

So we had McDonalds for dinner.  

Best. Mom. Ever.