I turned on the movie Eight Below yesterday before nap. BIG mistake. You see, the girls have to know everything about what they are watching before they'll actually watch it. The coversation went a little like this:
A: Mom, is this real?
M: Um, it is a movie, but it is based on someting that really happened
(confused stare)
A: Some of my cartoons are real
M: No, sweetheart, cartoons are just drawings
A: No, but some are real.
P: Are those wolves? Why are they nice? Are they nice?
M: Those aren't wolves they're dogs
A: Nope, they're wolves
M: No, they are actually siberian huskies
P: Oh. Why are they being nice?
M: Because they were trained to be.
**Part where the Doc breaks through the ice and falls into freezing cold water**
A: What happened?
M: The ice was too thin so he fell through
A: Will he die?
M: Probably not, but they have to hurry and get him out of the water
P: Is there ice in Utah? (her eyes are huge at this point and I can just see her thinking about falling through ice)
M: No
A: uh-ha Mom, there is ice in Utah
(Piper is almost crying by now)
M: No honey, not like this
P: Can our floor break?
M: No, sweetie
P: Can the tile break?
M: No sweetie
A: Uh-hu, if a giant came and stepped on it.
I turned off the movie and declared it to be naptime.
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