
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It has happened.

Adi started 1st grade this morning.

Sure, she already did the whole Kindergarten thing and you would think that I would be over the whole separation-anxiety thing.

But she's going full day. 7 HOURS. I hate to sound obvious, but that is ALL DAY!

Adi got up this morning buzzing with excitement. She helped packed her lunch and washed her face without being asked.

She stared at the clock all morning long, given me minute-by-minute updates of how long we have until she HAS to go.

She said that she didn't want me to walk her to where her class lines-up, even though every other parent got to *sniff*.

So I drive up to the appointed drop-off place, watch as my little girl climbs out of the car, slams the door and ventures into a new world.

Unfortunately, the parents behind me did not understand the highly-poignant moment I was experiencing and began honking for me to move on. So I did, wondering why I am always being forced to move past these type of things.

But I drove through the line-up of cars again to catch one last glimpse of my tiny girl. To make sure that she was all right, and not crying for her mommy (she wasn't).

And then I left her to experience her wonderful, grand adventure.


Whitopher said...

She looks beautiful! What a big girl.

Grandma Peg said...

School already?! She sure is a cutie pie!! Hows Mom really handling this? It will get eaiser..........until they start college! Just give them lots of hugs now while you still can.