
Thursday, January 03, 2013

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you.... a two year old.

First up: I must tell you that, being the insane people we are, we moved to our new house on Christmas Day.  Yup.  That day.

Merry Christmas to Momma!

When I finally found everything I would need to meet with my blog again (camera, usb cord, internet, computer, time...), I downloaded the photos from my camera onto to my h-drive. 

All 623 of them.

Hello, picture overload.  So I'm not quite sure if I will ever be able to play catch up with all those photos.  If not, then I should really tell you that Christmas was delightful this year :)

Now, on to the main event.


He has turned two.

There has been absolutely no time for his special birthday pictures, and- to be honest- even if there had been time, I probably wouldn't have gotten a single decent one.  This kid is ALWAYS on the go.  There is no rest for the weary when this kiddo is around.

He runs, jumps, climbs, rides, dances, eats, drinks... everything at full speed.  There is no stopping him.  Thank goodness for our strict nap and bedtime routines or I would have been checked into a loony bin a long time ago.  Before Wyatt is tucked safely under his orange and blue whale comforter, he climbs into my lap and together we read Goodnight Moon. It is the board book version, because this little monster of mine has a horrible tendency of ripping apart paperbacks. (just ask The Very Hungry Caterpillar, his previous favorite book).

We rock together while we say goodnight to the kittens, clock, and (his favorite part) the red balloon.  I croak out You'll Be In My Heart (I'm still waiting for the day when he'll cover his ears and scream, "Stop the torture!"). He lays down, willingly, snuggles up with Mickey, and, with a wave and a blown kiss, the door is shut.

And (generally) he falls asleep.

I do so love this routine.  I love these small moments of quiet with him.  Those little times when I can cuddle my little ball of energy and there is just bliss and happiness everywhere in the world.

Now, I must say, that this child is more than a little attached to his Momma.  And by more than a little, I mean he would like to wear me as a coat.  If I try to leave the room without first filing a formal request with him, he screams and runs after me.  All of the time. We have yet been able to leave him in his nursery class, and heaven help the babysitter when Orrin and I leave.  But, hey, when you have a mom as awesome as I am, you tend to freak out when she ditches you :)

Wyatt's current loves are as follows:

- Hot Wheels.  My, how he adores these little cars.  He spends long periods of time just driving the same car around in circles on the couch. 

-Trains.  Or "too-toos" as he calls them.

- Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Jake & The Neverland Pirates

- Sippy Cups.  They have become and addiction.  And it is out of control.  So tonight we are having a "Big Boy Party" where Wyatt throws away all of his sippies while we cheer and clap.  That way temptation to give into his screams tonight will be gone and Orrin and I will have to finally break this little dude of them.

- Balloons.  "Boons".  Helium or not.  He loves 'em. 

-Car rides.  He is the only two year old that cries to get into his carseat. 

-Daddy's truck.

-Christmas lights. "Ights".

Wy-Fi also loves to follow around his big brother.  He laughs when Porter laughs.  Jumps when Porter jumps.  Eats when Porter eats.  Digs when Porter digs.  True hero worship, baby.

We have a few nicknames for our little guy, Monster Baby being the most common.  Demon Child coming in at a close second.  These names are said with deep affection, but I sometimes feel a bit guilty about them. Then Wyatt grabs a permanent marker and scribbles all over my kitchen table, or decides to attack Adi for no reason (or so she claims) and has her knocked down on the floor, jumping on her back.  Just now I was called away from my typing because Wyatt  was throwing his cereal up in the air like confetti.  Or how he lays in front of a shut door, screaming and kicking, until someone finally lets him into the room.  He is getting to know the time out corner very well these days.

Then I think, "Now I remember why we call you that."

I am truly earning my Mommy Stripes on this toddler.

But his hugs are extra tight and oh-so-heart-melting (I cannot begin to describe the open-mouthed kisses he loves to share).  And his mischievous grins are irresistible.  His belly laughs are contagious, and you can't help but dance along when Wyatt starts his awkward jumping and clapping routines.

He is stubborn, willful, trying, and a big fat teaser.  But he also loves his cuddles, making people laugh, and giving kisses.

He is Wyatt Clark Merrill.

And he is all mine.

Although I am willing to share with babysitters once a week :)


Mommyvlo said...

And it's just beginning! Mwwwaaahahahahahaha......Peyton and Wyatt in the same room would be interesting.. Happy Birthday Wyatt!

Whitopher said...

Happy Birthday Mr Wyatt!