
Tuesday, December 08, 2009

A Christmas Read

December first, out comes my bin of Christmas books (I have exactly 25 this year, wahoo!). Every night the kiddies take turns choosing a different one to read.

This usually turns into full-on warfare, but, I digress.

One of our favorites is The Polar Express. I love the meaning behind it ('cause in this house, if you don't believe, you don't receive), the girls love the idea of visiting the North Pole and getting a bell from Santa's sleigh, and Porter just likes the pictures of the train.

For your viewing pleasure, I have been keeping a list of the books we have read on the side of this blog... just in case you ask yourself at night what book the Merrills read that day.

Now you can know.

I have down a page on Christmas reading all three years that I've done this fun little Days of Christmas thing.

Here is 2007's:

And here's last year's:

Notice a couple of trends in these pages?

And can you believe how tiny and sweet Mr. Porter once was? And how extremely bald the child was? Now-a-days he needs a haircut about every other week!


Unknown said...

Awe, how perfect. What a wonderful tradition.

Whitopher said...

Awe, what a classic photo of the three. Now you will have to make a tradition of taking their picture like this every year.