
Sunday, October 07, 2012

A Captured Moment

"Ummm... can you see what your children are doing?"  Orrin asked on Saturday while we were sneaking in a few hubby-wife TV moments while the kiddos ran free outside.

"Do I wanna see?"

"Absolutely not."

And I always take my husband's word on things like that.  So I continued staring at the television

"Where's your camera?"  His question intrigued me enough to take a peek.

Awww... crap.

Did you notice the look on Pipe's face when she sees Orrin looking at her?  Take a closer look:

Pretty sure she was thinking, "I am so dead."

But then Mom and Dad started laughing and Mom even took the camera from Dad's novice hands and started snapping.  And she knew that she would live another day.

This little girl was loving the mud. 

Wyatt joined for a moment.  But he was really, really confused.

Mainly, he wanted to know why his tricycle had a rope tied to it.  

That little knot was truly bothering him.

Adi and Piper decided that it was a spa and they were getting mud baths.

Funny thing: PG was the most reticent about the mud.  I think he was waiting for Mom to start freaking out.

Wyatt also did not care  for the sagging pants.  You know, at all.

Confession time: normally I would have freaked out.  And there probably would have been punishments given out.  Luckily, I have my other half. The calm(er) one. The one that sees the humor in a little girl in pink bathing herself in a muddy lake under our trampoline.  The one that reminds me that it'll take ten minutes to hose the kids off and clean 'em up, but we'll be giving them a lifetime of memories.

And hose the kids off, he did.

And another thing that bothered Wy-Fi.

Like, a lot.

And my floors still have their muddy lil' foot prints smeared across it.

I'll clean it up.

Eventually :)


Mommyvlo said...

LOVE it! Only because it's not my house that the mud is all over...;)

The Dewey's said...

Hahaha oh my gosh pipers face is so funny!!!'