
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pickin' Pumpkins

This year, the Merrills did not visit a pumpkin patch.

I realize that it has been a family tradition for a while now (2011, 2010, 2009), but between Orrin's weird work schedule, dance, sports, and family stuff... we just didn't have time. 

I am kinda sad about that.

But we went to Walmart and turned it into our own pumpkin patch (thank goodness for old iPhones).

These kiddos take their punkin choosing very seriously (we were there for about 20 minutes- think about that.  20 minutes in Walmart produce area).

Porter had an almost-meltdown when he couldn't reach the one that he wanted.

Good thing Daddy has long arms and can reach such things (especially since every single one of ours was one on the bottom).

Wyatt was wondering why we were stupid enough to set this next to him when we could clearly use it to throw at his siblings (he tried, but was unable to lift the heavy thing out).

Piper wins the award for the biggest pumpkin.

And after searching long and hard, Orrin found the ugliest one possible.  He sets his goals high, people.

Wow.   We have a lot of kids.

 When we got home, Orrin lined the pumpkins up on our tall counter, in hopes Wy-Fi will leave it alone.

 I then made everyone pose with their orange treasure, so as to get in some extra practice with my camera.

And I was less than impressed with the results. Curse you, Aperature!

Porter was wondering why I wanted him to hold the heavy pumpkin.

Let's just take a minute to admire that fat bottom lip.

Love this kid's smile.

 Wyatt versus the round-orange-thing...

"Umm, don't you usually tell me to not touch these things?"

"I can touch it? Really? But... maybe it's booby-trapped."


"Whoa! Mom's even smiling at me when I try to pick it up."

"Yes! I'm not in trouble! I shall now do the official happy dance of my people!"

"Hmmm... does it roll?"

"It rolls!"

Awkward smiles from your kiddo?

I've discovered playing the "Don't you smile" game is awesome. Tell them to frown, and then (in an over-the-top happy voice, tell them not to smile. And you get this:

"Mom, take a serious one of me from above."

And then, last but never least, there's the fabulous Miss Pip.

I tried the frowny face thing on her and she  actually held the frown no matter how long I sweet-talked her.


And this is all Orrin and I wanted pictures of...

 Now, on to the next challenge:

Carving them.