
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Lessons Learned

It is definitely a winter wonderland outside today. Which is absolutely perfect when you're inside, sipping hot cocoa and reading a good book with a blankie on your lap.

Not such a good thing when you have to drive in it without 4 wheel drive. Now, I know that it has been done before, and that there are probably millions of people who drive in the snow without 4wd, but, well, I'm a whiner.

Anyway, I had a bit of a difficult time getting my car into the garage after dropping Adi off this morning, so I decided to shovel the driveway. Now, please keep in mind that I can't even remember the last time I had shoveled snow, and apparently there is some mysterious technique to it (or else I'm just not that bright).

I got Porter and Piper all bundled up so they could play in the beautiful snow while I shoveled the annoying white stuff off the driveway. Porter immediately headed for the street, all the while yelling , "NO!" Which is Porter-talk for "snow".

Piper, after being warned not to lay down in the snow since she didn't have snow pants on, laid down in the snow and got some in her pants.

During this, I was trying to clear the driveway without slipping onto my behind (so maybe I did once).

I'm sure we put on quite the show for the neighbors :)

Oh, and I only got half of the driveway cleared before I threw in the towel.


Whitopher said...

I would have paid money to see that!