
Monday, March 19, 2012

Splash Pad!

Well, Spring Break is now over.  It's a bittersweet thing.  Bitter because we're back to the same old routine, which starts at 5:30 am. 


Sweet because these darn kids have not stopped fighting for four days now.  Yeah for a little peace and quiet again!

Anywho, we spent a good chunk of last week at the pool (the HOA was kind enough to heat it for Spring Break), which was awesome fun for the older kids, but near-torture for me and the lil' Wi-fy.  He didn't really want in the water, but then he didn't really want out of it.  Then he really wanted to run wild on the slippery pool deck, and Mom wouldn't let him.  Which means he threw a lot of his now-infamous fits.

So on Friday I forced Adi, Pipes, and PG over to the splash pad side so Wyatt could run as free as he wanted.  We brought some of our bestest friends with.

Hello Nortons!

Yeah, Wyatt had the chance to do as much running and exploring as he wanted, and he chose to climb on baby Zane's stroller.

Go figure.

Mr. Casey jumped right into the water.

Wyatt was a little unsure (yep, Buddy, that is water shooting up from the ground).

But then he decided to investigate a bit more.

And he decided that it was kinda fun.

I offered Adi a quarter if she stayed under this waterfall for 10 seconds (it may not sound like long, but the water was ice cold and it was only 85 degrees outside).

She then decided it was fun and went back under for free.

Porter didn't enjoy the cold water so much.  He mostly laid out on the little brick bench and sunned himself like a gecko.

But he did get down and do some splashing around.

Whoa.  Now that's the face of a charging warrior right there.  Oh, and just so you know, he's wearing Wyatt's rashgaurd.  He sustained a rather bad sunburn earlier in the week (awesome job, Mom) and he didn't have anything to wear.  Wyatt didn't mind sharing, though.

Piper probably enjoyed the water the most out of everyone.

Smile, Pipes! 

Adi suddenly remembered that she was waaay too cool for this whole splash pad scene.

And Ayami and I cooed over lil' Zayne's sweet smiles.

Wyatt convinced Piper to follow him around from mini water fountain to mini water fountain.

We left when we noticed that everyone was laying about, sunning themselves and not playing in the water.

Now the warm weather has left and we are currently dealing with rain and colder days (it's only 55 degrees right now).  But I'm so glad that it was warm for Spring Break!