
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Reads

And here it is.  Our annual Christmas book reading pic.  For as long as I've had this blog, I've been doing this.

That's right, people.  Pre-Pinterest.  An actual original idea.


Just so we can watch the progression of years, here's the previous pictures:




 (2010 was another move right before Christmas, plus I was super preggers with Wyatt.  Apparently I didn't take a reading picture... so sad!) 


If there's one thing that you can tell from these pictures, it's that I have a tendency of over-editing :)

This year I, once again, wrapped up 24 of our most favorite Christmas books (we do have more than that- I am a book-buying addict).  Every night, one of the kiddos gets to choose which one they wish to open and we read it together.  I totally stole this idea from my most favorite blog ever.

Except for Wyatt.  We tried to let him open a book, which he did rather expertly.  The problem came when he expected to keep the book for his own tearing purposes.  So we've been waiting until Wy-Fi goes to bed before we read.

Here's an almost-complete list of the books we have (and some I want to get).

Without further ado...

Drum roll please...

Christmas Reading 2012

Anti-climactic?  Most certainly.

But ain't they cute in their fuzzy jammies?