
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmasy Reading

Every year since Porter was a babe, we have had a tradition of reading one Christmas book a night for the whole month of December (well, until Christmas).

You can see our other pics of this nightly reading here.

This year I came across a new spin on this idea on my favorite blog, MADE, and decided to shake it up a bit.

I wrapped 24 of our Christmas pictures books and every night we rotate who gets to choose one to open up and have Mom or Dad read to everyone (usually Mom, but Dad has read a couple).  And yes, we have more than 24 Christmas books. I do believe that it has turned into an addiction of mine.

What books do we have in our collection?  Well, I'm glad you asked since I have prepared a list to share with you!

How the Grinch Stole Christmas
The Tale of Three Trees
Snow Bear
The Christmas Story
Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus
Little People: Christmas Time is Here
The Polar Express

The Spirit of Christmas
You Can Do It, Sam
The Biggest Snowball Ever
Bear Stays Up for Christmas
If You Take a Mouse to the Movies
Twinkle, Twinkle Christmas Star
The Biggest, Best Snowman
Christmas Magic
The Penguin Who Wanted to Be Different

The Snowy Day
The Penguin Who Wanted to Fly
Russell's Christmas Magic
Christmas Tree
Who Will Help Santa This Year?
Merry Christmas, Curious George!
On the Night Before Christmas

We have a few others, but they didn't make the must-read Christmas book list.

There are also a ton of other Christmas books that I would LOVE to get.  I usually only buy these holiday stories if they are the $5 Kohls Cares books or under $3 in the girls' book orders from school

Here's the books that will get us through Christmas Eve (the biggest book on the bottom is The Night Before Christmas... I'm making the kiddos save that until, well, the night before Christmas).

And the ones we've read

Wrapping the books is an awesome idea, by the way.  The kiddos get way more excited to read them at night, even though the girls sometimes think they're too old for this tradition.

Little do they know that Mom is going to tie them down to the couches when they're teenagers so they can continue to participate.