
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Did you know that I am the mom of conjoined twins?

Well, don't be too surprised, because neither did I.

I was watching a documentary on Discovery Channel about a set of conjoined twins from Mesa who share a heart (check out their blog here) the other day and I'm pretty sure that it inspired this little game of the girls.

Adi was asking all sorts of questions while it was on, to the point that I finally asked her to please just watch and perhaps the TV would be able to answer her (it had been a long day, ok? Don't judge until you have sat through one of Adi's inquisitions).

Five minutes later, Adi and Pipes came hopping out like this.

And then they fell.


Whitopher said...

That's funny!

Whitopher said...

That's funny!

Grandma Peg said...

Thats pretty funny and very smart to think of a way for them to look conjoined. Too cute!