
Thursday, January 08, 2009

A Glimpse Into The Future...

Yesterday Adi and I set off on an adventure to find her a pair of birthday shoes to match her birthday dress. Because I am strangely masochistic, I wanted her to choose her own pair.

Oh boy.

First, we went to Payless. Nothing.

Then to Target. She found three different pairs of shoes that she thought she liked, but she wasn't sure, so she said, "Let's keep looking."

So next to Famous Footwear, Ross, Justice for Girls... OH MY GOSH!! I was struggling to be nice and just let the girl make her own decision.

Back to Target, where she then tried on all three of said shoes. "Hmmm..."she says.

{Breathe Courtney, Breathe!}

"I really like these ones, but they are open-toed, and you said I couldn't get any." I told her before we left the house that she couldn't get any open-toe shoes because they just aren't practical in February in Utah.

But, by this time I probably would have spent $200 on a pair of shoes just to get home, so I told her that as long as she promised not to try and wear them oustide until summer, she could have them.

We head for the forever-long check out lines.



"What earrings should I get to match this outfit?"
