
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Winter's Walk

We are all pushing the limits of sanity these days. Why, you may ask? Because we are all trapped inside. We have always been a family a that enjoys plying outdoors, going on walks, trips to the park and the like. But right now, with weather that feels as though it is stuck in limbo (not cold enough to snow or to keep all of the snow on the ground but not warm enough to melt all of the snow or to play in), we are literally suffering from a horrible case of cabin fever.'

Yesterday, the girls wanted to play at their friends (in fact they were clawing at me to agree to letting them go), so I seized the opportunity to get a little fresh air and sunshine. Porter and I walked (without the stroller- the boy needed to run free) the girls to Ashley's house and then walked back home. Now, little Ashley probably lives only two minutes away, yet it took us twenty minutes to make the round trip. For once, I tried not to be so focused on getting there, getting it done and then getting back home.

We enjoyed the time we had outdoors. P.G. stopped to admire the crystallized snow while I breathed in deep gulps of crisp air. He loved the sound of crackling ice, overhead airplanes and neighborhood dogs barking. He tried walking on the hardened snow several times and learned that when it is in the current icy conditions, one doesn't sink into it, but slips instead.

I was completely enjoying watching this and getting some clean, unfiltered air. That is, until I looked up and experienced what the locals 'round here call "inversion". Let me show you:

Can you see the nasty smog covering the mountains? When I turned around, the Oquirrh mountains were completely hazed-over, making it impossible to even see them. UGH!!! I has heard on the news that morning that it was a "red day" for inversion and now I could see what they meant. Houses that were only a few yards away from me were hazy... gross! And apparantly it isn't good for kiddos to be out (or people with asthma or respritory problems).

And that ruined my enjoyment of the great outdoors.


Whitopher said...

That's nice to focus on the little things. You are blessed to be a mother of such beautiful little ones.