
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Totally Tagged

1. From your list of blogs, pick 1 blogger that you know or knew from AZ.

2. Tell a 2-sentence brief history of where you know them and how.

3. Describe them and their blog in 3 cool words.

4. Tag 4 bloggers you know or knew from AZ.

5. Click on the featured blog below then comment to invite them to come see yours.

My choice (drumroll please): I have quite a few peeps from AZ, but I'm gonna go with my lil' sis Whitney Lee.

Our history: Whitney and I have a long past of complicated relationships and overwhelming emotions. We are sisters after all!

Words to describe her blog: HER NEW HOUSE!

And I now tag: Whitney ('course), Marissa, Mommy and Lindy.

I'll be watching ladies.


Whitopher said...

Thanks for the tag. I like your new blog layout!