
Sunday, January 04, 2009

Props to My Mommy

My mom and I are in love with Material Girls- the cutest lil' fabric store that would make any seamstress drool. Every time we go in there we always ask each other, "What can I make with this fabric?"

Well, as a result of this question, my mom decided to make skirts for her three granddaughters for Christmas. It was not easy, let me tell you, and I was only a spectator as she slaved away on these adorable skirts, but I think that it was definitely worth it:
Thanks Mommy- maybe one day I'll be as patient as you are and be able to sew something like this.... or maybe I'll just have you do it :)

Oh, and she did this cute lil' shirt for Porter-Pot:


Whitopher said...

They look so cute!