
Monday, January 26, 2009

Why Do I Bother?

What do you think of when someone says "Sacrament"? Probably something like hymns, reverence, talks... etc. What do I think of? Potty breaks, a lot of shushing, bag searches, and hiding one's head when two little girls yell out "Don't eat Pete!".... seriously, that was my life yesterday.

Porter was actually very well behaved, he pretty much just hung out with Dad and played with his gum. His sisters, on the other hand, had me growling by the time we left. Where did these out-of-control hooligans come from anyway? They used to be very well trained-errr, I mean behaved- in church, but lately their actions have spiraled out of control to the point where I am threatening "no lunch and straight to bed" unless they just sit still and color.

I like to blame it on our new time change (11 o'clock, which is lunch time and naptime), or on the fact that we have sacrament last (definately inconvienant). But, at the end of the day, it all comes back to me. I have to ask, what am I doing wrong? Perhaps I am turning a time of worship and reverance into a time of mommy trying to furitively entertain and keep quiet at the same time? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's it...

Oh, well, at least it wasn't my one of my kids who screamed out "SHUT UP!!!" during the prayer (his poor, poor parents)...


The Stradlings said...

Hey there! It's been forever since I looked at your blog, and I wonder why I wait so long b/c I always laugh my head off when I read your posts. Your kids are getting so big, I can't believe it! They are all gorgeous and you are just too creative! I love the new song, and yeah, I agree we are in for a ROUGH ride. Stay warm!

Harvey Family said...

I am so glad to hear it is not just our wild bunch! A few Sundays back we had London running full speed ahead towards the pulpit yelling, "I'm free!" Such fun moments! Your kiddies are so cute! They grow up way too fast! :)

Whitopher said...

That's an adorable picture of Porter Pot... I love all your stories, and how creative you are in telling them!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful little creatures aren't they! I know exactly how you feel. A lot of the time jeff doesn't go to church, so it's me and the boys! On occasions like that I want to rip my hair out! Better luck next sunday