
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A chat with Santa

This year we lucked out- Santa came to the girls' school.  How nice not to have to travel 50 miles, wait in line for hours and pay an excruciating high price for a stupid 4x6 pic. 

Instead we drove down the street, paid $3 (all of which went to their school), had a reserved meeting time, and the kids got to converse with The Man for almost 5 minutes. 

Poor Santa had a hard time understanding what Porter was telling him (PG has a little bit of a speech impediment- all of his "f"s are "sh"s, his "l"s are "w"s... you get the idea).  But Porter-Pot talked to him most of the time about the tools, watch and rope that he wants. 

Wyatt was ok with Mr. Claus as long as he didn't talk, touch or look at him.  So we just let Adi hold onto him for the picture.

Thanks to our awesome school for making this a quick, easy and personal night with ole Kris Kringle.